The Oyster Farm Under The Sea
When I first arrived at the Oyster farm all I could see was the sea.
After 5 hours the sea had disappeared and the view was racks full of oyster bags.
Revealing the Oyster farm under the sea.
 Waiting to see the oyster farm
 Oyster farm
 Farming for oysters
 Racks of oysters
 Taking the oyster out.
 Bringing oyster back
 Village by the oysters
 Rack of oysters
 Coming back from seeing the oysters
 Tide going out.
 Going to the sea.
 Racks of oysters
 Looking for food
 Waiting to eat oysters.
 Colourful Huts
 Old hut
 Hunting for shellfish.
 Lonely oyster man.
 Thousands of oysters
 Looking after the oysters
 Out to see the oysters
 Working the oyster beds
 Collecting shellfish
 Off to work.